Privately, I'm starting a new study and spiritual group to meet in my home (for starters) and I'm really excited about it. For these past five years I've been gardening to please all Earth spirits and have sacred space established for Goddess Hecate (among others) in my yard. This outdoor ritual space is fully mature and ready to be utilized now. So far, four other incredible women have expressed their eagerness to begin doing healing energy work with me (I am being very selective about who participates).
As I begin this group (in person) I will begin to post more here at Cyber Coven (reenergizing this blog). I hope many of my readers will begin to participate here, on-line, as I share the wisdom that comes through study and practice.
For now, I'll just post a calendar of the upcoming FULL MOON dates, as they fall on the months that remain in this year.
- Thursday, 23 September 2010
- Saturday, 23 October 2010
- Sunday, 21 November 2010
- Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Love and Light,
~ SunTiger
Other Sites Managed By SunTiger