Many Pagans of Celtic origin recognize Feb 2nd as representing the second spoke on the Wheel of the Year (see image, below); it's a holiday called Imbolc. The Celt’s celebrated Imbolc for marking the coldest time of year when sheep birthed their young (no predators were brave enough to be out hunting in such cold) hence this event celebrates lactating ewe’s and Celtic Goddess Brigid, Goddess of Fire, reins on this day!
In Norse Mythology, this very time of year is called Disting! {Some sources say Disting happens on the first NEW MOON in Feb., most say it happens on Feb. 2nd.}
The Norse Healthen celebrated this time by counting cattle (celebrating their wealth); and their offerings are made to both the Goddess Freyja (pictured) and the Disir (Heathen tribal mothers). This is also the time of year to begin toiling with the soil and making plans for spring's plantings.

Celebrated today by Neo-pagans as a festival of lights or fire: much attention is paid to how the days grow longer (the nights shorter). The weather will soon warm and new plants (such as crocuses) are already beginning to peek up through the once frozen ground. Other vegetation is staying snuggled inside the quilt-seed that surrounds them; they're just beginning to THINK about coming out in spring but, given how cold it remains, decide to sleep for a bit longer.
Ideas to celebrate on Imbolc: bake round gingerbread cookies and mark them with Rune symbols before they bake!
Here's a meditative Imbolc video. {Enjoy!}
OH! And if you'd like to incorporate COLOR into your ritual this upcoming Full Moon (February 9th) here's a fabulous link from Grey School of Wizardry!
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